Brow & Glabella

Brow & Glabella

Forehead lines, also known as horizontal forehead wrinkles, form due to the repeated movement of the frontalis muscle, which raises the eyebrows. Botulinum toxin injections relax this muscle, reducing the appearance of these lines and giving the forehead a smoother appearance. By carefully targeting the appropriate muscle fibers, our skilled practitioners can create a natural-looking result that preserves the ability to express oneself while diminishing the prominence of wrinkles.

Frown lines, or glabellar lines, are the vertical creases that form between the eyebrows due to repeated muscle contractions during facial expressions such as frowning or squinting. Botox injections are an effective treatment to soften these lines by relaxing the underlying muscles responsible for their formation, particularly the corrugator and procerus muscles. Our expert injectors create a personalized treatment plan to ensure a rejuvenated appearance without compromising natural facial expressions