What is Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

What is Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is like a second generation to Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). PRF, is an all-natural solution that can rejuvenate areas in the face that show the first signs of aging, like under-eyes, deflated cheeks, smile lines, lips and in the scalp for hair restoration.

How does the PRF method actually work?

The goal of this method is to collect an PRF clot – platelet rich fibrin – from the patient’s own blood.

This clot is rich in leukocytes and growth factors such as:– VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor),
– PDGF (Platelet Derived Growth Factor), a protein vital for new blood vessel formation.
– TGF (beta–Transforming Growth Factor), a protein that stimulates tissue growth.
– Thrombospondin-1, a glycoprotein that participates in intercellular interactions and angiogenesis.

These growth factors help the body heal by activating stem cells to regenerate new tissues. The more growth factors are released during healing, the more stem cells will be activated to produce new tissue.

It is obvious that PRF allows the body to heal faster and more efficiently.

What is the difference between PRP and a-PRF?

PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) therapy is the development of the well-known PRP therapy.
The PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) method isolates plasma (rich in platelets and growth factors), which comes in liquid and injectable form.

To prevent plasma from setting, we use anticoagulants that stop the normal clotting process. With the PRP method we have immediate and rapid release of growth factors into the injection site.With the PRF method, we also collect platelet-rich plasma and growth factors, with the exception that we do not add anticoagulants, resulting in plasma coagulation and clot formation.
The main advantage of the PRF method is that the clot releases the growth factors slowly, over a period of 7 days, delivering excellent results in vascularization, healing and regeneration of the treated area.

What are the key advantages of PRF?

Re-volumizing the rejuvenating area.

Extended release of growth factors for up to 6 months.

No additives – 100% natural, alternative to traditional filler.

Promotes collagen formation & tissue rejuvenation.

Where can PRF treat for?

Facial rejuvenation.

Acne scars.

Under eye hollowness.

Hair Loss.

Dental Procedures.

Dental surgery, dental extraction, dental implantology, periodontal regeneration. 

Bone grafting and regeneration.

Book a free consultation for more information about PRF!